Antenatal Matrescence Pack


Matrescence Pack.

The matrescence pack is full of the information you should know about motherhood in order to protect your mental health. From an introduction to matrescence (a genuine developmental process you go through every time you have a child) to how to look after your mental health if breastfeeding doesn’t go to plan to the importance of a postnatal plan and even your relationship with your partner, these expert led packs cover it all and they do it without judgement, BS and overwhelm.

The packs also include a feeding preference plan to help you figure your way through your options and expectations, and a postnatal plan which includes practical, social and mental health, fitness and self care sections.

It was created because I found other mums also struggled with their identity when they became a parent. There were similar stories about breastfeeding, heartbreakingly, the word failure kept coming up. I did the research and found the mental health link no one had told me about. I spoke to people about their relationship with their partner and they told me about the resentment that was creeping in. I started speaking to experts and they shared their stories, advice and experience. All the time I kept thinking — why didn’t anyone tell me this? So here I am, telling you this. I’m not an academic, I’m not a midwife, I’m a mother who thinks we deserve to know the truth about our brain, body and sense of self in order to protect our postnatal mental health.

Perinatal mental health disorders affect 10-20% of expectant and new mothers - just because you’re in the other 80-90% it doesn’t mean you’re thriving, life can still be grey, just like it was for me. It's important to seek support where you can.

Get a bit of antenatal honesty in your life (or buy it for a friend) and empower yourself with knowledge.


  • Matrescence: What it is and what it means for you

  • Let’s talk self care during pregnancy

  • What is a positive birth and how do I have one?

  • Your postnatal plan

  • The F word: Feeding and your mental health

  • The social media myth

  • What is normal?

  • Relationship SOS

  • We’ve got your back

  • Books and podcasts we love

  • Things to know and places that can help

“The Matrescence packs brilliantly summarise key information an expectant mother needs to know while also being extremely useful for partners to learn more about what a new mother goes through. The topics covered really hear and understand expectant mothers and the easy to digest format means unlike other resources, it isn’t as overwhelming.” 

Tiffany J 

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